
Are you Rebounding?

If you haven’t tried rebounding, you’re missing one of the most perfect exercises around.  It’s safe, easy and fun and perfect for just about anyone from kids to seniors.  Once you start rebounding, you won’t want to stop! Rebounder

A rebounder, or mini trampoline is not the same as a regular trampoline.  It is a small trampoline or exercise trampoline that can be used indoors.  It’s not designed for jumps and flips, but rather smaller, controlled movements that bring an incredible wealth of health benefits.

The Incredible Benefits of Rebounding:

One of the things that make rebounding such an ideal exercise is the fact that it exerts zero-impact on joints.  It also stimulates tremendous health benefits to every cell in your body.  Rebounding provides an efficient form of exercise for the entire body, but is often unknown.  With rebounding you get cardio exercise as well as strength training in the same workout.  Some of the benefits that rebounding provides can bring a tremendous boost to your overall health.

  • Increased heart and lung capacity
  • Improved effectiveness of your weight loss program
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Improved circulation
  • Increased strength
  • Improved coordination and balance
  • Improved muscle tone (especially in legs, hips, thighs, arms and abs)
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Boost immune and lymphatic systems
  • Helps with cellulite reduction
  • Fits easily into any lifestyle
  • Increase bone density, helping to prevent osteoporosis
  • Tones and tightens the skin
  • Reduce tension and stress


A rebounder trampoline is wonderful exercise whether you’re young or old.  For those who need a little stability, a removable stabilizing bar can be added.  This often gives the beginner or those who lack sufficient balance the needed support to give them confidence and peace of mind to enjoy rebounding.

What to look for in a Rebounder:

There are many rebounders, exercise trampolines, or mini trampolines on the market.  Whatever you call them, they’re not created equal.  Many of the lower end models do not offer the bounce, durability and support that the more advanced and high-quality rebounders provide.  You really do get what you pay for when purchasing a rebounder.  The Needak and Urban Rebounders are both very high-quality rebounders and will give you consistent performance.  These rebounders are built to last and will give you a smooth, soft bouncing platform.

Why is Rebounding so Effective?

The aerobic benefit of Rebounding is perfect for building overall fitness and provides the necessary workout for an effective weight loss program.  The simple act of bouncing on one of these small trampolines can burn an extra 100 – 280 calories per 30 minute session (depending on your weight) and because it’s a zero impact exercise, your joints are not under any strain.

Rebounding is not complicated, it’s a natural feeling exercise … you get on and bounce, dance, jog and just have fun.  You can pick up a few moves from the information that comes packed with your rebounder and if you prefer, there are numerous DVDs, videos and books that can give you specific workouts to follow.


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