Pilates is a method of exercise that was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s. Originally designed as a method to rehabilitate WWI prisoners of war suffering from
What is Pilates? Pilates is a system of exercise that was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s. It emphasizes core strength and flexibility. One of the best
What is cellulite and what causes it? Cellulite is characterized by a dimpled appearance of the skin and is typically found on the hips, thighs, and buttocks. It
The American Dietetic Association reports that most Americans are a long way from the recommended intake of fiber in their daily diet. Most Americans get about 14 to
Green leafy vegetables are readily available and very nutritious, however most people do not eat enough of them. Studies show that people who eat a diet high in
Four fish included in the superfood category are salmon, tuna, sardines and trout. All four provide high levels of nutrients. The omega-3s found in fish help lower your
Wholegrain goodness should be a part of every healthy diet. Current USDA recommendations are three servings of whole grains each day, but Americans typically consume an average of
Broccoli is loaded with antioxidants, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin A, carotenoids, and folic acid, which is thought to be a major benefit in preventing heart disease. Broccoli also
Blueberries are an antioxidant superfood. They’re loaded with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, and are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Blueberries are a favorite choice of doctors and nutritionists